Our clients’ interests are always at the heart of the advice we give.
The members of our firm have a combined expertise of more than 30 years, in delivering trademark, design and patent protection and prosecution services. We also litigate before the IP Office of Singapore in opposition and revocation actions.
Our clients’ intellectual property and business interests are always at the heart of the advice we give.
With strong experience in the fast-growing and dynamic Asia-Pacific market we are able to offer expertise across a diverse range of technologies and industry sectors.
Trademarks & Geographical IndicationsSafeguard and manage your brands
Brands are what identify you and your products or services. There is tremendous value that can be generated and harnessed from a brand. Think APPLE, FACEBOOK and COCA-COLA, and closer to home, TOAST BOX and OLD CHANG KEE.
We are well equipped to assist in reviewing your business interests and expansion plans, as well as assist in selecting registrable trade marks. We provide strategic advice on where and how best to protect and leverage on your brands.
Our firm is also well connected with an extensive network of associate law firms across the globe to provide additional legal support for the protection and enforcement or your trademark rights beyond Singapore.
Patents & Registered Designs Carve out a monopoly over your intellectual creations
Patent rights are limited term monopoly rights for inventions which bring the possibility for revenue generation through licensing and other means. If you have developed new technology, come talk to us before disclosing or publishing the invention. Confidentiality is key till the invention is described and the key inventive elements defined and a patent application filed.
We provide patent drafting and prosecution services both locally and overseas with our trusted network of associate patent agents.
Copyright ProtectionAsserting rights over the expression of your ideas
Copyright protection in Singapore is automatic in Singapore provided certain conditions under the Copyright Act are met. But did you know that copyright registration is available in countries such as China and the United States, and there are advantages to be gained in registering your copyright?
Come talk to us and see how copyright registration can provide an additional layer of protection for your brands and other creative works.
Intellectual Property DisputesStop infringements, passing off, and domain name cybersquatting
Way too often have we seen how cybersquatters have sought to ride on the reputation of well-known brands and pass off their online locations as legitimate websites of brand owners.
Apart from tackling such activities, we have also dealt with and stopped infringing use of registered brands for various clients, and worked with the Singapore Customs Authorities and IP Rights Branch of the Singapore Police Force for the purposes of criminal prosecution for counterfeiting activities.
Let us assist you in dealing with these infringements and violations of your IP rights.
Intellectual Property TransactionsMaking your IP work for you
IP rights are extremely valuable assets for businesses and a critical component that features in commercial transactions. Have you considered obtaining an ROI in IP by licensing the use of your technology, brand, work of creation, or know-how, or need assistance with obtaining an IP valuation report?
We provide advisory services relating to branding and rebranding strategies, licensing, franchising, IP audits and due diligence, collaboration agreements, as well as IP strategy and portfolio management.
Discuss with us and see how you can monetise and grow your IP portfolio, not only locally but in overseas markets.